Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Healthy Ingredients Orange
C. sinensis is a subtropical tree that can grow to 25 feet high.1 The small white flowers are followed by fruit, sometimes called sweet orange, that is 2 to 4 inches in diameter.1 The season for oranges begins in November, with the peak in early spring.2 It is the most popular citrus fruit in the world.3,4
History and Cultural Significance
The orange traces its roots to China and India.4 The name is derived from a Sanskrit term nagarunga meaning fruit favored by elephants. Ancient legend states that Gaea, the Greek goddess of earth and fertility, presented Zeus a “golden apple” on their wedding day. This fruit was thought to be an orange.2 The fruit spread to the Mediterranean area and other parts of Europe in the 1400s.4 Orange flowers were a symbol of love in medieval times. The fruit itself was used in wedding ceremonies and given as gifts to the newlyweds as a symbol of prosperity and fertility.2 Christopher Columbus brought the orange to Haiti on his second voyage in 1493. Spanish missionaries took them from the Caribbean to Florida in the early 1500s where they became a huge industry. Missionaries also began the rival California industry in the 1700s.4 The orange is a traditional Chinese symbol of good luck and is a mainstay of the Chinese New Year.2
Almost 80% of oranges are used for orange juice. However, the juice and pulp have been used as a digestive aid, to relieve gas pains, swelling and constipation.2,5 Oranges also contain vitamins A, B-complex and C, flavonoids and antioxidants.2,6,7 The fruit also has a high folate content.8 The dried orange peel has been used to treat coughs and colds.5,7
The essential oil extracted from the peel through either cold expression or steam distillation, has a sweet citrus aroma.7 The orange scent is a combination of lemon-scented citral and limonene, lavender-scented linalool and pine-scented terpineol. Topical applications of the essential oil are used to soften dull and oily complexions and soothe mouth ulcers. The essential oil is also used in flavoring pharmaceuticals, food and drinks and as a fragrance in soaps, detergents, cosmetics and perfumes.6
Modern Research
Citrus fruits, including C. sinensis, have been investigated as a delivery system for vaccines; the fruits were injected with the vaccine and then eaten.9 Most modern research, however, is focused on new efficient ways to grow, protect and harvest oranges.
Future Outlook
Brazil is the largest orange-producing country, with nearly a third of the world market. Other heavily involved countries are the United States, Mexico, China and India. Over 140 billion pounds of oranges were cultivated in 2002, which is a 15% increase over the previous decade. In order to continue this expansion, growers will not only need more land, but continued research to increase their present yield.3
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Arjuna Heart Tonic
thick bark of Arjuna 1/4 tolacane sugar 2 tolascow's milk (boiled) 6 ounces.
Pound the bark well to pulverize it. Add the milk and sugar. Mix it well. Take it every morning on empty stomach. Continue taking this for some length of time. Ayurveda doctors claim that taking this remedy regularly for a year will entirely remove all distressing symptoms.
Another Tonic
bark of Arjuna - 2 tolascow's milk - 4 ounceswater - 12 ounces
Boil till the water is evaporated. Take internally for heart-disease.
Ayurvedic remedy used for impotence and chronic bowel complaints
1. Two drachms each of:
pellitory rootdried gingersaffronnutmeglong-pepperclovesred sandalwood
2. 1 drachm of opium
3. 6 drachms of sugar
Combine all the ingredients except sugar together. Mix well. Now add the sugar and make it in the form of a confection.
Take 6 grains for impotence and chronic bowel complaints.
Remedies For:
Used for impotence and chronic bowel complaints.
Ayurvedic herbal remedy is useful for fever with diarrhea
Group 1
Equal parts of the following to make a total of 2 tolas
Aconitum heterophyllumGingerHolarrhene antidysenterica barkCyperus rotundus tubersCocculus cordifolia rootGroup 2
Water - 32 tolas
Mix all the ingredients in group 1 together well. Take 2 toals of this mix, add 32 tolas of water. Mix well again.
Psyllium - Boneset Flu Remedy
1 tablespoon - boneset1 tablespoon - skullcap1 tablespoon - white yarrow1 teaspoon - psyllium seedHoney or corn syrupDistilled water
Put 1 tablespoon each of white yarrow, boneset, and skullcap in a pint of water. Simmer for 30 minutes. Strain. Add 1 tablespoon of this liquid and 1 teaspoon of psyllium seed, flavored, to one cup of boiling water. Sweeten with corn syrup. Drink every 30 minutes.
This remedy is useful for flu as well as for backaches and headaches.
Peppermint-Rosemary-Elder Flu Remedy
black elder flowers - 1 cupIrish moss - 1 cupjuniper berries - 1 cuppeppermint - 1 cupplantain - 1 cuprosemary - 1 cuphoney - as needed
Mix all the herbs. Steep 1 teaspoon of the herb mix in 1 cup boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain. Reheat and sweeten with honey. Drink twice daily.
Herbal Cold Tea
1 part - elder (Sambucus nigra)1 part - peppermint (Mentha piperita)1 part - yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
Combine the ingredients. Steep 1 to 2 tsp of the mixture in 1 cup hot water. Allow it to steep for 10-25 minutes covered. Strain and drink it hot just before going to bed. It may be taken with a pinch of mixed spice and a little honey to soothe a painful throat.
Note: Prepare a fresh cup for each dose. Sip the dosage slowly, never gulp it down. Swish it around the mouth before swallowing. This helps the liquid to mix with the enzymes in the saliva and rapidly assimilates the herbs into the blood stream.
This tea will induce a sweat, and if the cold is caught early enough, may stop it altogether. Even if it is too late for this it will still be very useful. This tea can help the body handle fever and reduce achiness, congestion, and inflammation.
Optional Additions
Other herbs that may be added to the infusion include:
Cayenne (Capsicum minimum): a favorite North American Indian remedy: use 1.25 ml (1/4 tsp) of the powder to really stimulate the circulation.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum): use a cinnamon stick, and break it into the mixture of herbs, for a gentle, warming and sweat-inducing effect.
Ginger (Zingiber officinalis): grate a small piece of fresh root ginger into the mixture for extra heat.Caution: Peppermint tea may interfere with the beneficial action of homoeopathic remedies.
Traditional Peppermint Cure for Fever
1 tablespoon elder flowers1 tablespoon peppermint1 tablespoon white yarrow1 tablespoon feverfew
Mix the herbs. Pour 2 cups boiling water over the herb mix. Cover and let steep for 15 minutes. Strain, sweeten. Drink hot.
This remedy helps to break a fever by causing the recipient to perspire. The yarrow acts as a pain reliever and makes the recipient more comfortable. If the cold is not severe, you need add only 1 teaspoon of the herb mixture to 1 cup of boiling water. It also eases the recipient and helps to dispel mucus.
Comfrey - Elderberry Cold and Fever Remedy
1/2 cup of elderberriesseveral leaves of comfrey - chopped1 cup of honey1 cup of distilled water
Chop several leaves of comfrey. Add 1/2 cup of elderberries, 1 cup of honey, and 1 cup of water. Simmer for 30 minutes. Strain. Take as needed to produce perspiration and reduce fever.
The comfrey leaves produce an aspirin- like substance that help to ease the discomforts of a cold. It also soothes inflamed mucous membranes of the throat. Comfrey is a demulcent, and an expectorant. The elderberries, a diuretic, serve to flush the system.
Children's Herbal Antibiotic Formula
Place water and herbs in a saucepan. Simmer for 2 minutes, then remove from heat and steep for about 20 minutes. Strain out herbs. For a 50-pound child, give 1 cup of tea or half a dropperful (30 drops) of tincture daily. To improve the flavor, the tea can be mixed with an equal amount of juice. In fact, homemade apple and grape juice, unlike bottled juices, contain strong antiviral agents that fight colds and flu.
Yoga employs asanas, pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation and/or visualization
The asanas were designed with economy of time and effort in mind. Most of them work on more than one aspect of the body at the same time. For example, the twist asana benefits the spine, adrenal glands, liver, pancreas and kidneys.
The yoga asanas produce their beneficial effect on the organs and glands in three ways.:
The position of the asana causes an increase in blood circulation to the specific target organ or gland.
The position of the asana often produces a slight squeezing of the organ or gland. This has the effect of massaging the organ or gland and stimulating it.
Deep breathing and visualizing the target area sends an extra supply of prana to the area.
Yoga's effect on the spine is to increase its flexibility. This ensures a good nerve supply to all parts of the body, since the nerves from the spine go to all the organs and glands.
Related Topics:
Asanas as part of Ashtanga Yoga
Asana or Yoga Postures Home on for a detailed description of the major asanas used in yoga.
Acu-yoga - postures for neck exercise
Pranayama: Pranayamas are specially developed breathing techniques. Yoga breathing produces a huge storage of energy in the solar plexus area. This will cause the body to radiate vitality and, if any sickness is developing, the body can call upon some of this energy reserve to combat the disease.
Yoga breathing also improves brain function (intelligence and memory), as well as increasing the elimination of toxins from the system.
The total effect of yoga asanas and breathing is to produce a state of high vitality and rejuvenation.
Related Topics:
Pranayama Home on For a detailed description of the science of Pranayama and the various breathing techniques employed.
Pranayama as part of Ashtanga Yoga
Concentration/Meditation practices: The benefits of the postures are greater if you concentrate the healing action where it is needed. You can incorporate a variety of affirmations, meditation/concentration practices and visualization. Meditation and concentration is covered in detail elsewhere. Many times focusing on an object or sound (like clicking of a clock) can help us concentrate and leave our distracting thoughts away.
An affirmation is a declaratory statement of yourself. They are inner-self conditioners. Our inner mind will believe everything we say with conviction and emotional force. It take some persistent repetitions to get the desired result. Typical affirmations that can be used are:
I am at my desired weight (for dieters)
My lungs are pure and clean (for smokers who want to get out of the habit)
I feel continuously alert, vital and useful (general), etc.
Even more powerful technique than affirmation is visualization. Here, we show our subconscious mind a picture of what we are talking about. Forming such picture inside your mind is called visualization.
To be effective, visualization should involve all senses, not just sight. Imagine the state or thing we want. How does it feel when we have it? What will you be with it? What does it feel? What does it look like? How does it sound? How does it taste? How does it smell? For healing therapy, visualize the state without the condition. For example, for those trying to lose weight, visualize yourself in the desired weight and physical condition and imagine the life in the new state.
In other words, you should mentally see the affected area as it receives fresh blood circulation, oxygen and physical massage. A diabetic should visualize the healing energies flowing into the pancreas, near the stomach. A rheumatic can concentrate on the release of synovial fluid. Synovial fluid is a lubricant and also disperses waste matter which can cause stiffness at joints.
Thus, most effective yoga therapy involves a three-pronged attack. When you practice yoga postures, you are strengthening the body. When you control your breathing, you are creating a chemical and emotional balance. And when you concentrate your mind on affirmations, you are practicing the power of prayer. But when all three approaches are synthesized, you are entering the most powerful mystery of healing: the basic harmony of life.
The Yoga System
Yoga first attempts to reach the mind, where health begins, for mental choices strongly affect the health of the body. Choices of food, types of exercise, which thoughts to think, etc. all affect the body. As practiced traditionally in India, yoga includes a set of ethical imperatives and moral precepts, including diet, exercise, and meditative aspects. In the West, yoga focuses primarily on postures (gentle stretching exercises), breathing exercises, and meditation. Yoga is frequently used in Western medicine to enhance health and treat chronic disease as well as stress.
Yoga therapy begins with relaxation. Living in an age of anxiety, we are often unconscious of our tensions. We are often depressed, tired, and an easy victim of diseases. There are a number of reasons for our stressful life. Often it is lack of rest, anxiety, tension and fatigue. These are constantly draining our health energies continuously. Thus, the first priority is to get us into a relaxed state
A Brief Philosophy Of Yoga
The yogis consider that we are all searching for happiness and that this is everybody's main goal. It's just that most people settle for the brief, watered-down version of temporary pleasures.
The yogis state that at some stage in our spiritual evolution over many lives we will become dissatisfied with brief, temporary pleasures and start our quest for eternal bliss. Methods to achieve this were developed and perfected by the yogis thousands of years ago. They consider that nature's laws are so designed that we must evolve. The main mechanism nature uses in the early stages is pain. When we find that relationships, money or alcohol, for example, do not produce happiness or a sense of purpose, we will start looking more deeply into life. Yoga waits patiently for you to reach this stage.
In the later stages of spiritual evolution, pain is no longer needed to spur us on. Each stage of progress produces such peace and happiness that this entices us to go to a higher level of happiness. Thus, instead of pain, reward becomes the prime mover.
The above is a very brief indication of yoga philosophy, which is so comprehensive that it deals with every aspect of life and delves into the very nature of reality. It is obviously beyond the scope of this book.What is yoga?
In practice, yoga is an applied science of the mind and body. It comes from the Hindu vedas (scriptures). Practice and study of it help to bring about a natural balance of body and mind in which the state of health can manifest itself. Yoga itself does not create health; rather, it creates an internal environment that allows the individual to come to his own state of dynamic balance, or health. Basically, yoga teaches that a healthy person is a harmoniously integrated unit of body, mind and spirit. Therefore, good health requires a simple, natural diet, exercise in fresh air, a serene and untroubled mind and the awareness that main's deepest and highest self is identical with the spirit of God. As a result, to many devotees, yoga becomes a philosophy that offers instruction and insight into every aspect of life: the spiritual, the mental and the physical. Of course, because it is all-encompassing, people who want to pick and choose from its smorgasbord can do so without being disappointed. Yoga is equally satisfying as a physical therapy alone.
Introduction of herb "American bayberry"
Biological Name: Myrica cerifera
Other Names: Bayberry, American bayberry, American vegetable tallow tree, bayberry wax tree, myrtle, wax myrtle, candleberry, candleberry myrtle, tallow shrub, American vegetable wax, vegetable tallow, waxberry
Parts Used: Root bark, leaves, flowers
Active Compounds:
Triterpenes, including taraxerol, taraxerone and myricadiol
Flavonoids such as myricitrin
Miscellaneous tannins, phenols, resins and gums
The early American colonists found the bayberry tree growing throughout the East, but they used it to make fragrant candles rather than medicines. Initially bayberry was used medicinally only in the South, where the Choctaw Indians boiled the leaves and drank the decoction as a treatment for fever. Later, Louisiana settlers adopted the plant and drank bayberry wax in hot water for the most violent cases of dysentery.
During the early 19th century, bayberry was popularized by Samuel A. Thomson, a New England herbalist. He touted it for producing "heat' within the body. Thomson recommended bayberry for colds, flu, and other infectious diseases in addition to diarrhea and fever.
Contemporary herbalists recommend using the herb externally for varicose veins and internally for diarrhea, dysentery, colds, flu, bleeding gums, and sore throat.
Jethro Kloss, in his book, ' the Back To Eden' describes the use of bayberry thus:
"Bayberry is excellent as an emetic after narcotic poisoning of any kind. It is good to follow the bayberry with an emetic, such as lobelia. Bayberry is also valuable when taken in the usual manner for all kinds of hemorrhages, whether from the stomach, lungs, or excessive menstruation, and when combined with capsicum it is an unfailing remedy for this. Very good in leukorrhea. Has an excellent general effect on the female organs, also has an excellent influence on the uterus during pregnancy, and makes a good douche. Excellent results will be obtained from its use in goiter. In diarrhea and dysentery, use the tea as an enema.
For gangrenous sores, boils, or carbuncles, use as a wash and poultice, or apply the powdered bayberry to the infection. The tea is an excellent wash for spongy and bleeding gums.
The tea taken internally is useful in jaundice, scrofula, and canker sores in the throat and mouth. The tea taken warm promotes perspiration, improves the whole circulation and tones up the tissues. Taken in combination with yarrow, catnip, sage, or peppermint, it is unexcelled for colds."
Remedies For:
As a circulatory stimulant, Bayberry plays a role in many conditions when they are approached in a holistic way. Due to its specific actions it is a valuable astringent in diarrhea and dysentery. It is indicated in mucous colitis. As a gargle it helps sore throats and as a douche it helps in leucorrhoea. It may be used in the treatment of colds. Diarrhea. Bayberry root bark contains an antibiotic chemical (myricitrin), which may fight a broad range of bacteria and protozoa. Myricitrin's antibiotic action supports bayberry's traditional use against diarrhea and dysentery.
Bayberry also contains astringent tannins, which add to its value in treating diarrhea.
Fever. The antibiotic myricitrin also helps reduce fever, thus lending credence to bayberry's use among the Choctaw Indians.
Intriguing Possibility: Myricitrin promotes the flow of bile and might potentially be of value in liver and gallbladder ailments, but as yet no research demonstrates this.
Bayberry is native to the USA but widely cultivated in Europe and the British Isles. In the Southeast USA, it matures into an evergreen tree that reaches about 35 feet. Further north, the plant becomes smaller. Around the Great Lakes, mature plants rarely grow taller than 3 feet.Bayberry has grayish bark, waxy branches, and dense, narrow, delicately toothed leaves dotted with resin glands, which produce a fragrant aroma when crushed. Yellow flowers appear in spring and produce nutlike fruits thickly covered with wax.
For a decoction, boil I teaspoon of powdered root bark in a pint of water for 10 to 15 minutes. Add a bit of milk and drink cool, up to 2 cups a day. You'll find the taste bitter and astringent. A tincture might go down more easily.
In a tincture, take 1/2 teaspoon up to twice a day.
Bayberry should not be given to children under age 2. For older children and people over 65, start with a low-strength preparation and increase strength if necessary.
Combinations : As a digestive astringent it may be used with Comfrey Root and Agrimony. For colds and fevers combine with diaphoretics such as Pleurisy Root.
The high tannin content of bayberry makes the herb of questionable value for anyone with a history of cancer. In various studies, tannins show both pro- and anti-cancer action. Their cancer-promoting action has received more publicity, notably from a study published in the journal of the National Cancer institute, which showed that tannins produce malignant tumors in laboratory animals. But tannins have also been shown to have an anti-cancer effect against some animal tumors.
Those with a history of cancer, particularly stomach or colon cancer, should exercise caution and not use this herb. Do not take more than the recommended amount. Add milk to reduce the risk.
Other Side Effects
In large doses, bayberry root bark may cause stomach distress, nausea, and vomiting. Those with chronic gastrointestinal conditions, such as colitis should use it cautiously. Bayberry changes the way the body uses sodium and potassium. Those who must watch their sodium/potassium balance, such as people with kidney disease, high blood pressure, or congestive heart failure should consult their physicians before using it.
For otherwise healthy non-pregnant, non-nursing adults who need not pay special attention to their sodium/potassium balance, do not have gastrointestinal conditions, and have no history of stomach or colon cancer, bayberry root bark may be used cautiously in amounts typically recommended.
Bayberry should be used in medicinal amounts only in consultation with your doctor. if bayberry causes minor discomforts such as nausea or vomiting, stop using it and see your doctor.
Introduction of herb "American ephedra"
Biological Name: Ephedra sinica, Ephedra intermedia, Ephedra equisetina, Ephedra distacha, Ephedra trifurca
Other Names: Mahuang, Ma Huang, desert tea, Mormon tea, American ephedra, Chinese ephedra, European ephedra, Pakistani ephedra, Ephedra
Parts Used:
Active Compounds:
Ephedra's active medicinal ingredients are the alkaloids ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. The stem contains 1-3% total alkaloids, with ephedrine accounting for 30-90% of this total, depending on the plant species employed. Both ephedrine and its synthetic counterparts stimulate the central nervous system, dilate the bronchial tubes, elevate blood pressure, and increase heart rate. Pseudoephedrine (the synthetic form) is a popular over-the-counter remedy for relief of nasal congestion.
The Chinese have used ephedra medicinally for over 5,000 years. Ephedra is listed as one of the original 365 herbs from the classical first century A.D. text on Chinese herbalism by Shen Nong. Ephedra's traditional medicinal uses include the alleviation of sweating, lung and bronchial constriction, and water retention. Coughing, shortness of breath, the common cold, and fevers without sweat are all indications for its use. While the active constituent, ephedrine, was isolated in 1887, it was not until 1924 that the herb became popular with physicians in the US. for its broncho-dilating and decongesting properties.
Remedies For:
Diaphoretic, bronchial dilator, diuretic
Induces perspiration, warms coldness, relieves wheezing, moves fluids. It is used for common cold, wheezing, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and edema.Useful for:
AsthmaCommon ColdHay feverCongestionCoughWeight loss and obesity
Ephedra is used to treat asthma, hay fever, the common cold, and as a weight loss aid.
Asthma and hay fever: Ephedra is useful in the treatment of mild to moderate hay fever and asthma. It is recommended that you supplement the ephedra use with substances that support the adrenal glands, such as licorice, panax ginseng, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B-6, and pantothenic acid.The traditional herbal treatment of asthma involves the use of ephedra in combination with herbal expectprants. The expectorants modify the secretions from the respiratory tract, ultimately improving its function by having the user spit up the secretions out. The most commonly used expectorants are licorice, grindelia, euphorbia, sundew, and senega.
Weight Loss Aid: Ephedrine suppresses the appetite and increases the metabolic rate of adipose tissue. Ephedrine activates the sympathetic nervous system, increasing the metabolic rate and increasing the amount of the food converted to heat (thermogenesis). This prevents the body from converting these foods to fat, thus helping in the control of weight gain by those who have low metabolism.
Ephedrine is often used in conjunction with methylxanthine sources such as coffee, tea, cola nut, and guarana. The methylxanthines enhances the thermogenic effect of ephedrine. Clinical studies have also shown that aspirin may be effective in increasing the thermogenic effect of ephedrine.
Ephedra is a shrublike plant found in desert regions throughout the world. It is distributed from northern China to Inner Mongolia. The dried green stems of the three Asian species (E. sinica, intermedia, equisetina) are the plant parts employed medicinally. The North American species of ephedra does not appear to contain the active ingredients of its Asian counterparts. The plants are 1.5 to 4 foot high. They typically grow on dry, rocky, or sandy slopes. The many slender, yellow green branches of ephedra have two very small leaf scales at each node. The mature, double seeded cones are visible in the fall.
The crude powdered stems of ephedra (with less than 1% ephedrine) are employed at a dose of 1-4 grams per day in tea form.
Tinctures of 1-4 ml three times per day can be taken.
Over-the-counter drugs containing ephedrine can be safely used by adults at a dose of 12.5-25 mg every four hours. Adults should take no more than 150 mg every twenty-four hours.
Pseudoephedrine is typically recommended at a dose of 60 mg every six hours.
Ephedra should not be used by those with external deficiency with symptoms of spontaneous sweating. Because the alkaloids have an effect similar to that of adrenaline, ephedra should not be used with symptoms of high blood pressure or insomnia.
Ephedra has a long history of safe use at the recommended amount. However, abuse of the drug-especially for weight loss-can lead to amphetamine-like side effects, including elevated blood pressure, muscle disturbances, insomnia, dry mouth, heart palpitations, nervousness, and even death due to heart failure.
Anyone with high blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes, glaucoma, thyroid disease, and those taking MAO-inhibiting antidepressants should consult with a physician before using any type of product with ephedra.
Pseudoephedrine can cause drowsiness and should be used with caution if driving or operating machinery Ephedra-based products should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation and used with caution in children under the age of six years.
US FDA recommends that the amount of ephedra added to dietary supplements to 8 milligrams. FDA wants warning labels put on the products cautioning against taking them for more than a week, and advising consumers not to combine them with other stimulants. These were retracted on strong opposition from the General Accounting Office (GAO), that the agency does not have enough evidence to make such recommendation. However, FDA has kept the warning against mixing ephedrine with other stimulants.
Medical experts suggest that used as a stimulant, ephedra can raise blood pressure and heart rate, cause vomiting, heart palpitations, dizziness, nervousness and more serious reactions, including heart attacks, seizures and strokes. U.S. FDA has said that between 1997 and 1999 it had received 140 reports of illness or death linked to ephedra alkaloids. Since then, the agency has gotten another 103 such reports, but those haven't been investigated. A recent study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine suggest that ephedra might be the main culprit for those deaths. (Read the entire article on the discussion of the safety of this drug.)
Because of the possible danger due to the abuse, we recommend that you should limit the amount of this herb consumed strictly. It has been shown that many times, the actual amount of the active ingredients present in the products can differ substantially from batch to batch due to poor quality controls. So, caution is recommended. We also recommend that you do not take this with stimulants such as caffeine.
Introduction of herb "Mullein"
Biological Name: Verbascum thapsus
Other Names: Mullein, Aarons Rod, Great Mullein, velvet plant, white mullein, verbascum flowers, woolen blanket herb, bullock's lungwort, flannel flower, shepherd's club, hare's beard, pig taper, cow's lungwort
Parts Used: Dried leaves and flowers
Active Compounds:
flavonoids such as verbascoside and herperidin
volatile oil
Remedies For:
Expectorant, demulcent, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, nervine, anti-spasmodic, vulnerary, alterative, astringent.
Mullein is a good respiratory remedy. Also for toning the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reducing inflammation whilst stimulating fluid production and thus facilitating expectoration. It is considered a specific in bronchitis where there is a hard cough with soreness. Its anti-inflammatory and demulcent properties indicate its use in inflammation of the trachea and associated conditions. Externally an extract made in olive oil is excellent in soothing and healing any inflamed surface or easing ear problems.
Combinations : In bronchitis it combines well with White Horehound, Coltsfoot and Lobelia. In painful coughing, Priest & Priest recommend combining with Elder and Red Clover, and for asthma with Gumweed.
Description: Native to Europe and parts of Asia.
Infusion: Pour a cup of boiling water onto 1-2 teaspoonfuls of the dried leaves or flowers and let infuse for l0-l5 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.
Tincture: Take 1-4ml of the tincture three times a day.
No information available. Some herbs are known to react with your medication. Please consult your physician before starting on any herb.
Every woman has a desire to have fully developed breast
Woman who don't get fully developed breast naturally go for breast implant to get the shape and size they want. Many actresses and models get the breast surgery done to get the perfect look and fitting on clothes.
Woman who can't afford the surgery can try some simple exercises to fill the breast. These breast exercises push the breast out and make them appear larger and toned. Woman who gets saggy loose breast after feeding the child or childbirth too can get their breast tighter with the help of massage and exercise.
Joint both your palms together in front of the chest and put pressure. It develops the breast.
Showering hot and cold water on the breasts one after another too enhances the size.
Pushing wall with both the hands and pushing yourself back and front with the support of the wall helps the chest muscle become strong and increases the size of the breast.
Massaging breast with olive oil or ant breast cream clockwise and anti-clockwise is helpful in enhancing the shape and size of the breast.
Swimming is a perfect exercise in toning, shaping and increasing the size of the breast.
One should eat healthy diet to keep the breast tight and in good size.
Few habits, which can help you, get peaceful deep sleep in the night
Play light soothing music, which can help you in getting sleep if you suffer from sleep disorder.
Wear loose comfortable clothes.
Do not drink alcohol, tea or coffee at least 2-3 hours before your bedtime. It can affect your sleep badly if you consume any of such drink or beverage before going to bed even 2 hours before that.
If you don't get sleep easily, make it a habit to read a book or something, which makes you sleepy. Some people easily get sleep while watching television. It seems funny but if it helps you, you can give it a try.
Make your body tired, get massage, which helps you to get deep sleep.
Take hot shower, which relaxes the body and will give you peaceful sleep soon.
Drinking hot milk with a teaspoon of honey added to it is an old remedy and is quite helpful for a good sleep.
Always make it a point to go the bed at a same time. Soon you will start feeling sleepy at the same time.
Keep the lights of the room dim. Bright lights disturb the sleep.
Some medication tricks help in sleeping. You can learn them and give them a try. Some breathing exercises too help in getting good sleep.
In yoga here is a tip, which might help many of you in giving sleep. Press both your hands first finger tip with the tip of the thumb, while lying down comfortably on the bed and closing your eyes.
Start taking 10-15 minutes walk after your dinner and then go to bed. Tired body gets deep sleep.
Use soft cushions and comfortable bed for a comfortable sleep. At times even a non-comfortable bed or pillows disturb in sleep.
Wear ear buds if any noise in the house or room disturbs you.
Keep your muscles and body relaxed on the bed.
Try to keep yourself involved in something as reading or listening music if you get disturbed with all negative thoughts coming to your mind in your sleep.
Wear eye pads if light comes to your room, which disturbs your sleep.
Keep switches near your bed so that you don't have to get up again and again to switch on and switch off the lights, fan or air conditioner.
Prepare your bed and room temperature ready, lights dimmed and music on before you enter your room to sleep. Right atmosphere will make you ready to sleep soon.
So if you try any of the methods, you can definitely get help you your sleep is disturbed any of the reasons. But if the problem is serious and cannot be sorted out by any of such things or you suffer from severe insomnia that its time to go to a doctor for medical help. If you get disturbed by some past haunting memories or negative thoughts then go to a psychologist's help because sleeping peacefully for 7-8 hours is essential not only for your beauty but also for your mind and body.
About Good Sleep
Friday, June 6, 2008
Methods to enhance the back
Apply oatmeal or apricot scrubber on the back to remove black heads and white heads.
Once in a while apply sandalwood pack on the back to give it a glow.
If the back has become dark apply bleach on the back to remove the tan.
In addition to that eat healthy nutritional food and sleep properly for a healthy skin. Never go out in the sun without applying the sunscreen lotion to the exposed area.
Workouts for the straight back-do these workouts regularly to give a right shape to your back
Keep both your arms straight in front of your eyes. Stand straight and now bend your back half the way from your waist and inhale. Now come up and slowly exhale. Practice this at least five times a day. This is called good morning exercise but it's just the name it can be done any time in the day with light stomach.
Shrug your shoulders up and slowly take them down. Practice it for 10 counts everyday. It even relaxes the shoulder muscles.
Push a wall in front of you with both your arms and keeping your back straight.
Squeeze your back by pushing your arms and shoulders backside. It gives your back a nice curve.
If the back is too fleshy then take the help of a gym instructor to work on your back to reduce the cellulite and give it a perfect shape.
You have to cut off on oil and fatty food too to get a toned back along with the exercises.
Having a beautiful back is every woman's dream
Shape. No body part should be ignored and back is a very important one. An ugly, dark and unclean back and spoil your entire beauty as it shows in many of the outfits and even in the swimming costume. If you have a bright beautiful toned back, you can wear backless outfits, deep necklines and can attract many with your back. It will add some sparkle in your beauty. Many women do wear deep necklines without concentrating on their back. It looks so ugly if its not cleaned because you entirely are dressed up and that part of your body looks so ignorant. You need to work out to remove the flesh from the back, get it straight, stand and sit in right postures and keep it clean from black heads, white heads or unwanted hair which most of the women have but never bother to keep them away from the back.
How can you make your bath luxurious and enjoyable
Proper bathing is the much for a beautiful body
For the bathroom it should be neat and clean. Even though it's not spacious, you can make it a clean bathing place by keeping everything as soaps, shampoos, oils, lotions and towel's at place. Arrangement is the right word for it. Even if you have a room size of bathroom with all the luxuries like bathing tub, sauna steam to it but you keep is messy or untidy then more than half of the impression is gone. You yourself will not enjoy bathing in it.
Keep the towels clean and dry and don't share your towel and napkins with others. It's not hygienic and passes on the infections. If you don't dry the towels and napkins in air, they leave bad musty smell and fill the odor in the bathroom.
Keep a foot mat in the bathroom to soak the water and wipe off the feet.
Keep your bathing accessories like loofahs, scrubber and sponge clean. Wash them in running water, squeeze them, and don't leave water and soap inside them. Don't share them with others to prevent from skin infections.
Clean the bathroom with antiseptic and put scented flowers and other items in the bathroom to make it smell fresh and clean.
Keep washing all the accessories everyday so that there should be no dust and dirt on them as your perfumes bottle, soap dishes, lotions and other bottles, which are kept in the bathroom. They should be washed and wiped with a dry cloth.
Replace your brushes, loofah and sponge every alternate month for better hygiene.
Some beauty tips related to make up and facial beauty
Apply a light lip color or lip-gloss in a shade, which suits your skin tone. You can put a dab of foundation on your lips before putting the applying the lip color as it helps to stay it for longer.
For eyes eye liner and eye pencil are available in many shades. Choose a good brand. You can apply brown eye pencil to give them a softer look. Use dry eye pencil on oily skin and do avoid eyeliner on small eyes rather use eye pencil to define them.
You can curl your lashes with mascara even if you don't want to put any other eye make up, you can use mascara.
Use light eyeshades on your eyelids for day use.
You can use compact powder a shade lighter to your skin tone on your face and neck to give it a finishing touch.
Always apply body lotion on your skin after having bath all over your body. It keeps your skin smooth and keeps the skin tone even.
Avoid using foundation for daily usage. Use it just for parties and functions and let your skin breathe.
Use a mild scrubber on your skin once in a week to remove black heads and dead skin and face packs to rejuvenate your skin.
Always sleep after cleaning your skin by removing your make up. Baby lotion or baby oil is good make up remover and can be used even to remove eye make up.
Use a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer on your skin before going to bed. You can choose a good night cream based on your skin type and your age. As for women who are 30 plus the requirement of creams are totally different than teen-age girls.
few tips about changing eating and drinking habits to get a more beautiful and fresh skin
Fill water in your mouth and then splash water on your face and on eyes. It's a kind of exercise.
Drink 2 glass of lukewarm water in the morning empty stomach with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice added to it. It's good to clean your stomach, and detoxify the toxins. With the consumption of this skin starts glowing within a month.
Cut off the use of caffinated and saturated drinks. Stop eating much of junk and fried food, which spoils the body and damages the skin.
Rather drink lots of water at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day. Fresh juices and even buttermilk is good to keep you fit and healthy.
Try to walk whenever you get an opportunity. Exercise is must for a healthy mind, body and skin. If your schedule is too busy to get time to workout then get it this way. Try to climb stairs then taking lift. Park your car a little more away from your destination so that you will have to walk.
Always sit in a right posture and keep your abs muscles tight. It will strengthen your tummy muscles and make it look flatter.
Always breathe properly. The correct breathing pattern makes surprising difference to your body and skin. When inhale air should reach till abdomen and when exhale you should feel light in your abdomen.
Always add green fresh salads with your meals. This will reduce the quantity of food calories you are eating and will help you remain fit.
Consume more of fruits and vegetables with a balanced healthy diet.
Do wash face often but not every time with soap. If you are working keep wiping off your face with wet tissues.
Whenever in the kitchen, you can rub lemon peel from the pulp side on your face to get rid of the grease and can apply any fruit juice on face with a cotton roll. You can wash it off after few minutes.
About Sensitive skin
About Dry Skin
One with dry skin needs lots of water to hydrate the skin, as it requires lots of moister as the body produces less sebum then required by the body.
About Combination skin
Caring for combination skin-wash it off with mild cleanser. Use astringent on the oily part of the face. While applying moisturizers concentrate on dry area more. Apply it little on oily part of the face and properly on the dry area. Otherwise one gets dry patches on the face. One best way to balancing combination skin is, while getting up in the morning spread the oil what you get on the oily area on all over the face, then wash it without soap. One should never use any soap on face in the morning before taking bath. That natural oil on the face is very good for the skin to keep it moist and young.
About Normal Skin
Caring for normal skin-normal skin requires a normal cleaning, toning and moisturizing on the skin. Once in a fortnight a face pack for normal skin can be applied to keep it fresh.
About Normal Skin
Caring for normal skin-normal skin requires a normal cleaning, toning and moisturizing on the skin. Once in a fortnight a face pack for normal skin can be applied to keep it fresh.
Oily Skin Care
One can come to know very easily if one has oily skin by wiping off the face with a tissue in the morning when one gets up before washing the face. If there is so much oil trace on the face then the skin is oily and requires more care then other skin types.
Caring for oily skin-- As for oily skin specially formulated face washes are available in the market. One has to use astringent and rose water to wipe off with a cotton dab often to clean the grease as using soap many times on face isn't good for the skin. It requires more care. While choosing moisturizers and foundation for oily skin one should remember that they should be water based. Gel creams and lotions are good for oily skin. One with oily skin should avoid consumption of fried and saturated food. Clay and sandalwood powder packs are very good for oily skin. A mild scrubber too should be used on oily skin to remove black heads and dead skin cells.
About Skin Care
It can really damage your skin as if you don't know your skin type and you have oily skin and you keep on applying oil-based cream on your skin, your skin will break into acne and pimples. So the first things about skin care to know the type of your skin.
The types of skin are normal skin. Oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, t-zone type and sensitive skin.
All skin types needs a different skin care regime and different kinds of cosmetics for each type.