Friday, June 6, 2008

Oily Skin Care

this skin type needs maximum care, as it's prone to acne, pimples and breakouts. Especially people suffer from this skin type in teen age due to hormonal imbalance whereas others too do have it due to excessive sebum production in the body. This skin is mostly oily and greasy which contains lots of unnecessary shine on the skin surface. One needs to wash and clean this skin more often as all dirt and dust gets stick to it. It gets large and visible skin pores. Which if open breaks skin out in pimples.
One can come to know very easily if one has oily skin by wiping off the face with a tissue in the morning when one gets up before washing the face. If there is so much oil trace on the face then the skin is oily and requires more care then other skin types.
Caring for oily skin-- As for oily skin specially formulated face washes are available in the market. One has to use astringent and rose water to wipe off with a cotton dab often to clean the grease as using soap many times on face isn't good for the skin. It requires more care. While choosing moisturizers and foundation for oily skin one should remember that they should be water based. Gel creams and lotions are good for oily skin. One with oily skin should avoid consumption of fried and saturated food. Clay and sandalwood powder packs are very good for oily skin. A mild scrubber too should be used on oily skin to remove black heads and dead skin cells.

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