Friday, June 6, 2008

Workouts for the straight back-do these workouts regularly to give a right shape to your back

Always keep a correct posture. Never keep your shoulder dropping or your back bent.
Keep both your arms straight in front of your eyes. Stand straight and now bend your back half the way from your waist and inhale. Now come up and slowly exhale. Practice this at least five times a day. This is called good morning exercise but it's just the name it can be done any time in the day with light stomach.
Shrug your shoulders up and slowly take them down. Practice it for 10 counts everyday. It even relaxes the shoulder muscles.
Push a wall in front of you with both your arms and keeping your back straight.
Squeeze your back by pushing your arms and shoulders backside. It gives your back a nice curve.
If the back is too fleshy then take the help of a gym instructor to work on your back to reduce the cellulite and give it a perfect shape.
You have to cut off on oil and fatty food too to get a toned back along with the exercises.

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